
Showing posts from March, 2022

What is Vitiligo? Can It Be Prevented or Cured?

  What is Vitiligo? Can It Be Prevented or Cured? Vitiligo is a disease in which there is a loss of skin color in patches. These discolored patches usually get more significant with time. That condition can affect any skin part of the body. In addition, it can also affect the mouth and hair. The color of the skin is generally determined by melanin. Vitiligo happens when cells that produce melanin die or stop producing melanin. That disease can affect people of any skin type. But it is most common among people with darker skin tones. However, the condition is not contagious or life-threatening. But it can significantly make you feel bad about yourself and be stressful for you. Moreover, vitiligo treatments don’t prevent continued loss of skin color, but they can only restore color to the affected skin. What is vitiligo? Vitiligo is a non-contagious disease that causes patches of skin to lose their actual color, which results in white spots. In some cases, all or most of the skin be...

How Is a Vitiligo Skin Condition Diagnosed and Treated?

  How Is a Vitiligo Skin Condition Diagnosed and Treated? What is Vitiligo? Vitiligo is defined as a unique disorder in which some small smooth white areas, also called white patches or macules, start appearing on a person’s skin due to reduced melanin by melanocytes at that particular site. Typically, this skin condition starts on the face, hands, feet, nose, forearms, etc, and needs to be checked by a skin specialist before it gradually spreads to the entire body of the patient. In general, just 1% or so of the entire global population has vitiligo. How can someone diagnose Vitiligo? Typically, the white patches of this skin condition are easily visible to all on the skin, But various healthcare providers and dermatologists generally use a Wood’s lamp for its diagnoses. That light shines UV (Ultraviolet) rays onto the patient’s body to help differentiate vitiligo affected area from other resembling skin conditions involving loss of skin color like Chemical leukoderma Tinea Vers...