
Significant Tips and Tricks for Psoriasis Skin Care

  Psoriasis is a chronic immune disease that causes plaque to appear on the skin. It is usually the result of an overactive immune system. That system causes the skin cells to grow too quickly, which results in scaly plaques forming on the skin that needs to be treated by a dermatologist .  This particular skin condition primarily affects the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp. It mainly appears in the form of red, itchy, scaly patches on the skin. It is a long-term chronic disease with no cure. Generally, it tends to go through cycles, which may last for weeks or months. After that, it may subside for a while or go into a remission phase.  However, to manage its symptoms, various treatments are available. Patients suffering from this have to change their lifestyle habits and go to a skin specialist as soon as possible. They have to follow strategies to help them live better with psoriasis and get rid of it over time.  7 Tips for Psoriasis Skincare A person with psoria...

What are The Possible Treatments for Skin Fissures?

  What are The Possible Treatments for Skin Fissures? Skin fissures are cracks formed in the skin due to intense dryness and thickened skin. Depending on their severity, these cracks or fissures can either be deep or shallow. Moreover, they may also be painful and even sometimes bleed. Skin Fissures Treatments Superficial fissures treatment Skin specialists primarily recommend a self-care regimen to all that helps heal and prevent fissures. That may involve these steps Daily checking of feet for cracking and fissures. To remove hard and thickened skin, gently use a pumice stone. Applying moisture daily to keep skin hydrated  For the protection of the affected area, use gel or spray bandages. In addition, people with the fungal disease also need antifungal cream, which is available worldwide. Moreover, people most often suffering from dry skin issues should use a suitable moisturizer 2- 3 times daily for open fissures. A good moisturizer suggested by a reliable dermatologist ...

Cracked Skin on The Hands

  Cracked Skin on The Hands Dry hands are one of the most common skin conditions. Although they can be irritating to some extent, technically, that is not a dangerous condition. Mostly dry hands are due to environmental conditions. Some other factors which can cause dry hands include  Weather conditions  Frequent handwashing Constant exposure to some chemicals  Not taking good care of your hands Certain medical conditions and many more. Regardless of the cause, there are still several ways and skin treatments offered by reliable dermatologists nowadays to keep your thirsty skin hydrated. You can learn more about ways to prevent it, what’s causing it in the first place, and remedies for dryness in the article below. So, let’s get started.  Reasons for cracks on hands Cracked skin of the hands is primarily due to repeated contact with moisture. Examples are washing dishes or washing the hands often for any purpose. Soap removes the natural protective oils from th...

What is Vitiligo? Can It Be Prevented or Cured?

  What is Vitiligo? Can It Be Prevented or Cured? Vitiligo is a disease in which there is a loss of skin color in patches. These discolored patches usually get more significant with time. That condition can affect any skin part of the body. In addition, it can also affect the mouth and hair. The color of the skin is generally determined by melanin. Vitiligo happens when cells that produce melanin die or stop producing melanin. That disease can affect people of any skin type. But it is most common among people with darker skin tones. However, the condition is not contagious or life-threatening. But it can significantly make you feel bad about yourself and be stressful for you. Moreover, vitiligo treatments don’t prevent continued loss of skin color, but they can only restore color to the affected skin. What is vitiligo? Vitiligo is a non-contagious disease that causes patches of skin to lose their actual color, which results in white spots. In some cases, all or most of the skin be...